Commercial Window Cleaning Services.

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We can get you cleaned regularly
Big or Small Commercial
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Commercial beauty
Glass Front buildings
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DFW Metroplex
Reflect your best look
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Keep employee views clear
Business Office Space
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Small Local Business
Clean entryway for every visit
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monthly cleanings
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We can get you cleaned regularly
Big or Small Commercial
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Small Local Business
Clean entryway for every visit
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kids love touching those windows
Restaurant window cleaning is a must
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we can do it
Professionally maintained on regular maintenance
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  1. Traditional Washing – Hi-end exterior building washing. Helps to keep the “face” of your business clean. Keeps your commercial property good-looking and tidy. Get rid of dust, mold, grime, and algae. Recommended to be done at least once a year.
  2. Post Construction Clean – Never use standard cleaning tools and methods when you’re cleaning windows after construction, as you can actually damage the window glass as well as the window frames when you use the wrong cleaning equipment on these windows! Includes removing stickers, caulking, paint, silicone, construction dust, masonry and debris.
  3. Water Fed Pole cleaning – A water fed pole used for cleaning windows is a system that includes a pump and an expandable pole that has a specialized cleaning brush head. There is a hose that runs the full length of the tube. When the water is pumped through the hose and through the brush it shoots out at a very high pressure, similar to a pressure washer. But the water stream is easily controlled by the technician. The window cleaning technician uses the wet brush to clean the window with special purified and de-ionized water. The wet brush is designed to loosen all the dirt and debris from the window using only the water. The water breaks the seal between the dirt and the window so that it can easily be brushed away and then rinsed off with the purified water. PURIFIED WATER LEAVES NO STREAKS. The purified water has no minerals that will leave residue or a chalky finish on the window so the window dries streak free and sparkling clean. The pole can be expanded up to a height of 90 feet so that cleaning techs on the ground can use it to reach even tall skylights or six story windows easily and safely.